The Giant Scops Owl is a relatively large brown owl with long, slightly curved ear-tufts. It is also known as the Lesser Eagle Owl or the Mindanao Owl. Some authors place this owl in its own genus Mimizuku.
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Description: The facial disc is pale rufous-brown, with a thin rim consisting of black spots. The eyebrows are frosty white, fading
into buffish. Eyes are brown, and the bill is greenish-yellow to greyish-white. Ear-tufts are long with black spots. The forehead and crown are streaked
Upperparts are dark rufous-brown with blackish shaft-streaks. The outer webs of the scapulars are whitish-buff with blackish edges. The wing-coverts are
dark brown with black shaft-streaks. The flight and tail feathers are banded dark and light.
Underparts are whitish-buff, becoming creamy-white on the belly. The breast has large oval or drop-shaped black spots.
Tarsi are feathered to the base of the toes, which are pale greyish-brown. Claws are pale horn with dark tips.
Size: Length 30-35cm. Wing length 217-274mm. Tail length 114-149mm. No weight data available. Females are larger than males.
Habits: The Giant Scops Owl is a nocturnal bird. Little else is known about its behaviour.
Voice: A coarse mournful "Wuaah" note repeated at 10-20 second intervals.
Hunting & Food: Probably feeds on small mammals and birds, as well as large insects.
Breeding: Virtually nothing is known of this owl's breeding biology. They are known to be more vocally active from February to May.
Habitat: Lowland rainforest and secondary growth, from sea-level to about 1500m. Has also been found in small groves in grassland.
Distribution: Southern Philippines - Mindanao, Siargao and Dinagat. Also found more recently on Samar.

Range of the Giant Scops Owl Otus gurneyi
Status: Listed as Vulnerable by Birdlife International.
Original Description: Tweeddale, Arthur Hay, 9th, Marquis of. 1879. Proceedings of the Scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London for the year 1878 (PZS): Pt 4, p. 940, pl. 58.