The Tasmanian Masked Owl is a fairly large owl with large powerful talons and no ear-tufts. This species is not currently recognised by the International Ornithological Congress, who consider it a sub-species of the Australian Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae.
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Description: Female: The facial disc is pale chestnut to brownish-buff, with a darker, often nearly black zone around the
eyes which extends towards the base of the bill. The rim of the facial disc is very prominently brown, with darker speckles. The eyes are blackish
brown and the bill is whitish-cream.
Upperparts are rather dark greyish-brown, peppered with white and black spots. The wing coverts are similar. Flight feathers are greyish-brown
with some darker bars and fulvous-brown markings. The tail feathers are greyish-brown with four darker bars.
Underparts are fulvous with large dark spots.
Tarsi are feathered fulvous-brown to the base of the toes, which are greyish-brown to yellowish-grey. Claws are blackish-brown.
Male: Generally paler in colour, with the facial disc being brownish-white and the underparts whitish or pale fulvous with smaller dark brown spots.
Size: Length 47-55cm. Wing length 310-387mm. Tail length 140-178mm. Weight about 600-1260g. Females are larger and heavier than males.
Habits: The Tasmanian Masked Owl is nocturnal and secretive. Roosts by day in dense foliage of tall trees, or in hollow tree trunks; sometimes in caves or rock crevices.
Voice: Typical call is a screech similar to the Barn Owl, but louder and more rasping. There is also a cackling call.
Hunting & Food: Hunts small mammals, up to the size of rabbits. May also take smaller birds and lizards.
Breeding: Nests in tree hollows. 2-4 white eggs are laid and incubated by the female alone. Nestling fledge at 10-12 weeks.
Habitat: Forest and semi-open wooded areas and bushy landscapes.
Distribution: Tasmania, including Maria Island.

Range of the Tasmanian Masked Owl Tyto castanops
Status: Apparently not rare.
Original Description: Gould, John. 1837. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1836) (PZS) pt. 4, no. 48: p 140.