The Owl Pages

Short-eared owl handmade miniature acrylic painting on sea pebble

by Lefteris Kanetis [RockArtAttack]

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Short-eared owl handmade miniature acrylic painting on sea pebble

Current Status (2024-06-02) : Available [More info].

Creator's Description:

Hand Painted pebble shot-eared owl, totally handmade by me, with a very strong Neodymium round Magnet in the back side, make it ideal for decorate your home refrigerator or make a beautiful gift to your loved ones! You can decide if you like to have a glued magnet on the back of the stone to decorate your refrigerator or without magnet, make your choice before purchase this painted pebble. Is painted on a smooth flat pebble which i hav... More >