The Owl Pages

Boobook Owl Hand Painted on Small Stone! Handmade Owl for Home Decor, Painted with Acrylics and finished with satin varnish Protection.

by Lefteris Kanetis [RockArtAttack]

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Boobook Owl Hand Painted on Small Stone! Handmade Owl for Home Decor, Painted with Acrylics and finished with satin varnish Protection.

Current Status (2024-06-03) : Available [More info].

Creator's Description:

A detailed owl painting totally hand painted by me on a flat smooth sea stone, ideal for decorate your home or make a beautiful gift to your loved ones! Is painted on a smooth flat sea stone which i have collected from a beach on the Greek island of Ikaria. Is painted with fine art quality acrylic colors and very small brushes for the detail, is signed on the back and covert with strong satin varnish for protection. Dimensions approxi... More >