A stunning front facing Sokoke Scops Owl roosting on a branch
The Photographer writes "This was a rare find for us. Normally they are grayish with the red morph being very rare. We were lucky to find the latter, credit goes to our local guide.
It wasn't afraid of us, we kept a certain distance not to disturb, but it kept following us by turning its head in the direction we moved.
We found it in a remote woodland on Kenya's Eastern coast - Arabuko Sokoke forest - accessed from Watamu. The owl got its name from the same forest."
It wasn't afraid of us, we kept a certain distance not to disturb, but it kept following us by turning its head in the direction we moved.
We found it in a remote woodland on Kenya's Eastern coast - Arabuko Sokoke forest - accessed from Watamu. The owl got its name from the same forest."